Can Ch Hollykins Simply MARVELous



Born: May 15, 2017

OFA Hips: Good GR-125975G24F-VPI
OFA Elbows: Normal GR-EL45543F24-VPI

Breeder/Owner: Holly Robinson

Groot's OFA page

Can Ch Hollykins Simply MARVELous

Groot is our singleton from Tetley and Reign, she finished her Championship in 2 weekends,Groot has an amazing head piece , rich black pigment, nice short back with solid topline, she is a very athletic girl and we are hoping to do some competition work with her in the near future.

Can Ch Hollykins Simply MARVELous in the snow  Can Ch Hollykins Simply MARVELous head profile

Groot now has all her clearances and is waiting to fill out and return to the ring, hoping to complete her GRCH. Groot is a typical singleton :) she has no boundaries and feels the WHOLE world is hers… We love her to pieces.